martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Progress in Character sheets

I think i've reached a final conclussion for character sheets design. The Sheet will be general, and I will divide the habilities into basic habilities (like running, swimming,etc.. ) and particular ones depending on the ambience (shooting, computers, or even magic) .

How will look this on the character sheets? It will have the basic habilities printed on it (the general ones) and the remaing spaces will be blank to fill depending on the ambience, and with the habilities learned during the game.

A good thing for using the combined roll dices (stats + hability) is that you can allways try to make one action, but only using the main stat if you dont have the hability, and if you success you will gain a little experience that with the time will let you gain some point in a new hability for your character. ( I will explain that in more detail when i explain the experience in Corosys). You can also learn new skills training .

But appart from that when i create the main character sheet, i will create specific character sheets for some ambiences (futuristic, medieval,etc ) that could help you to play the game quickly.

See entry in spanish

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