martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

First approach to habilities

Here i share a first approach to how the habilities will look in character sheets. Each hability will be divided in four parts as is showed in the next diagram.

1. Hability : It is the description of the hability itself.
2. Main Related Stat. : Is the stat related to the hability which will be added to the roll dice.
3. Hability value : Means the skill level of the character in an specific action. In the diagram example, that character have an hability of 4, then we go to see the value of the main stat (5 for example ) and add the two values having a final result of 9. If we have a difficulty of 15 for example, we must reach at least 15 in a roll dice plus 9, so we must have at least 6. I still have to decide how the stat value will be added. 
4. Hability experience : (number of points here is still to be decided ). Success in roll dices is contabilized here. When all the circles are filled, we add one point to the hability and clear all this circles for the reaching the next hability point. How are this points gained ? Following the last example, if we success in the last roll dice, we will have 6 experience points for that hability. We dont add all the roll dice to make the same action more profitable in experience with low hability levels. Exceding points in a roll dice are discarted as is considered like an unnecesary effort to perfom the action and with the bigger difference between the hability and difficulty we get more experience gained in more difficulty roll dices. 

Experience details , how to gain points and the moral (more like good luck or motivation , a sistem to have a bonus for roll dices when we have made continous succesfull actions ) will be explained in a post to explain roll dices.

See entry in spanish

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